Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Even though the urban stations won't play her music unless she has Jay Z in it, she still can't be stopped. Here, Rihanna covers Seventeen South Africa. Just recently Marc Jacob made a bag line in his new line in her honor. And the other day at the beauty supply store I saw a Rihanna wig. She's taking over. Click "More" for the nominees.

The Nominees included 50 cent spotted at sundance with new teeth. Ladies he finally fixed his damn teeth. Always a plus and about time with all that damn money

Ya kid 50 cent performed at Sundance where he is expected to announce the launch of his film company. He is a nominee this week becuase as you can see below homeboy fixed his teeth. Always a good thing for the ladies.

Sexy Sexy. THIS is what his teeth looked like before

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