Saturday, February 9, 2008


If you answer NO to any of these questions.........:

  1. Do you enjoy seeing acts from the 1950s dressed in grandma/grandpa drag winning for current albums that you've never heard of and making 20 minute speaches?
  2. Do you enjoy seeing young hip and relevant acts that have one hit that you more than likely will not see next year?
  3. Are you really excited to see young acts performing with old acts that they imitate?
  4. Is the fact that the girl from destiny's child, Justin Timberfake and Nelly Furtado nominated for songs released two years ago get you excited about the credibility of the show?
  5. Stevie Wonder is a legend and all but do we really want to see him again at another award show singing the same oldie but goodie?
  6. Really?
  7. Does the fact that Soulja Boy has a Grammy nomination make you excited to see the show?
  8. Is youtube inactive working on your computer to see Amy Crackhouse (the only performance worth seeing)?
  9. Are you excited to see Jill Scoot lose an award to Rihanna?
  10. Is your life that boring that you are prepared to lose 3 hours of it to see a bunch of self involved, limited talent, half dressed, drug abusers, who think God is actually watching to accept thier "thank you's, frolick around the stage?

......THEN NO, IT'S NOT WORTH YOUR TIME.....Highlights are caught by youtube

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