Sunday, February 10, 2008

GRAMMY DIARIES: Clive Davies and Neyo Parties

Gawd Damn Ri's tall. She attended Neyo's and then @ Clives party. Teeth came over to chat

She mingled with guests like Janet and teeth actually sat down for a pic

JD wasn't far behind and ri enjoyed the entertainment even taking pics

Serena came though and the man of the hour showed up with none other than Nippy

AI judges sans simon and Ashanti with what looked like rollers in her hair

Fannie Mae came through and Def jam Preso and wife took photo with Ri

Fannie had a date, Young Dro and Babyface came all smiles with some chick

Fuggy fug and a closer look at the mess that was ashanti's hair

Whitney and Akeys with Clive.....and that b*tch that sings lip gloss again, wtf.

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