CNN: WTF would i need them to tell me about being black in america? and leave it to that show to help formulate opinions of people like elisabeth hasslebach on the plight of black folk in America. Solodad, you're my girl but i am extremely disappointed in you for letting them do this to you. I was too busy catching up on my big brother after dark special to watch that bull.
ANGELINA: they want her to play catwoman in the next batman installment...LET THE HATING AND PROTESTS BEGIN
LIL WAYNE: studio gangsta of 2008. over at Sandra Rose I found a video recorded on camera phone, supposedly of wayne running from some Crips in LA. He yells on records that he's a blood so they went after him. Wayne ran into his car and called the police. First off those grown azz men/ so called gang members need to get a job, second, wayne had no business in the hood. we all know you got shot playing with your daddy's gun. You aren't a gangsta. If you don't live it don't speak it. WATCH HERE. And like I said, all beef goes back to 50 cent. Dudes in the video are Spida Loc and 40 gloc...signed to Gunit records
FASHION ROCKS: set to perform are Rihanna, Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, Christina Aguiellara and Justin Timberfake with Black Eyed Peas and Beyonce . It will air Sept. 9 on CBS
USHER: lining up 'His Mistakes' as the third single to be lifted from his most recent album 'Here I Stand'. The song will be serviced to radio on August 18th. Another poor single choice.
MARIAN JONES: has asked President Bush to commute her six-month prison sentence for lying to federal agents about her use of performance-enhancing drugs and a check-fraud scam.
JIVE RECORDS: says ciara might come out in late september instead of november and britney will come out in december. r kelly has asked for the label to let him out of his contract with them. TBOZ OF TLC: signed solo deal with src/universal. why?
DMC: had two major blood clots removed from his left arm.
BROKE HOGAN: to do playboy?
BIG PERM AL SHARPTON: Federal agents have dropped a probe against Al for taking payouts from major corporations in exchange for not protesting against them. He still has to pay between 2-8 millie in unpaid back taxes.
CHRISTAN BALE: the one playing batman..arrested bc he flew off the handle and cursed (and some say assaulted) his mother while in an argument. His mom apparently said nasty things about his wife whom he's trying to reconcile with. People are saying stress and loss of Heath had something to do with it, I say if he had my mom his azz would be in the hospital instead.
ALBUM PUSH BACKS: TI was slated for a September 9th release, but has been pushed back to September 30th.
TRINA: and her boyfriend Kenyon Martin were involved in a car accident in Belize yesterday. They are both fine.
DMX: at his hearing he had a press conference promoting a new album.
MARK WHALBERG: says he might be ready to marry his 3x baby mama.
KIM AND FOX: sued by Simon & Schuster in Manhattan Supreme Court for failing to deliver manuscripts for books they were supposed to have written years ago.
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